Ear infections can affect any age group. While they may feel uncomfortable, most ear infections will resolve without requiring further treatment.

Types of Ear Infections:
Acute Otitis Media (AOM): Children are more prone to this condition because their Eustachian tubes are still developing. Symptoms may include earache, fever, and trouble sleeping.
Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM): This chronic middle ear problem often leads to recurring discharge and a risk of hearing loss. It is usually a complication of acute otitis media.

Otitis Externa: This infection affects the outer ear canal, usually because of moisture or secondary trauma from using cotton buds. The symptoms start with ear pain, itching, and ear canal swelling.
Treatment Options
Many ear infections, including AOM, will get better with time using over-the-counter pain relievers. Antibiotics are given for bacterial infections. An ENT consultant may advise ear cleaning, drops or surgery for persistent cases.

How can we help
Please consider visiting us if you have a persistent severe earache or discharge or have concerns about your hearing loss.

Patients can look forward to a relaxing consultation environment that allows open and frank discussions about their symptoms. They can come along with a friend or family member if they wish.

We will actively listen to your concerns and offer support with empathy and compassion. We will take care of your ears to reduce any discomfort. Mr Adeel may need to micro-suction your ear to clean it off pus for a better view. Sometimes, we may take a pus swab for cultures. A hearing test is carried out once the ear is infection-free. The consultation ends with a thorough discussion with Mr Adeel about the disease and its management. We want you to know that we always welcome any questions, and the answers will be as accurate and detailed as possible, addressing all worries.