Tonsillectomy in Children

Your child's tonsils are in the throat and part of their immune system. They protect them by destroying harmful microorganisms. However, they might get infected recurrently. In these situations, an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) consultant can perform a tonsillectomy (an operation to remove tonsils).

There are two main reasons a tonsillectomy may be recommended:

Recurrent Tonsillitis

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: snoring and apnea (the period of breathing stopping for a few seconds)

Tonsillectomy procedure

The surgery is done under general anaesthesia, so there will be no pain during the procedure. The tonsils are removed by mouth with no external cuts. This is performed as a day case procedure, and it typically takes up to 30 minutes.

What would happen after surgery?

The recovery process takes around two weeks. They can resume normal eating and drinking after surgery. They will need to take regular pain medications like paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Benefits of tonsillectomy

Children who frequently suffer from tonsillitis or sleep apnea can enjoy sound sleep and a better quality of life after undergoing tonsillectomy. The decreased infections, better sleep quality, and easier breathing can all lead to better general health in the long term and overall well-being.

Patients can look forward to a relaxing consultation environment that allows open and frank discussions about the symptoms of their children and parent’s concerns. We will actively listen to your concerns and offer support with empathy and compassion.