Tinnitus is a common condition characterised by ringing, buzzing, whistling, or pulsating noises. It could be a sign of other diseases.
Causes of Tinnitus:
Hearing Loss, earwax Blockage, ear Infections, medications, trauma, stress, or brain tumours in case of one-sided tinnitus.
Do you know how we can help?
Please get in touch with us if you have persistent tinnitus, if it is unilateral, or if it is associated with hearing loss.

Patients can look forward to a relaxing consultation environment at our clinic. This setting encourages open and frank discussions about their symptoms. Patients are welcome to bring a friend or family member for support if they wish.

At our clinic, we take a comprehensive approach to tinnitus treatment. We will actively listen to your concerns and offer support with empathy and compassion. A thorough examination will be carried out, and Mr Adeel will advise if you need wax removal or a hearing test. Depending on the potential cause, we may recommend hearing aids, further blood tests, or even imaging if indicated.

The consultation ends with a thorough discussion with Mr Adeel about the disease and management strategy. I want you to know that we always welcome any questions, and the answers will be as accurate and detailed as possible, addressing all worries.